Sunday, 12 April 2020

FF News: President Abdulla to 'self-quarantine,' with wife, Nandika??

Could we be reaching an APEX, with Covid 19 cases, says The Wolf of
Wall Street, Mr. Omar Abdulla??
by Sameera Dursot

(13 April 2020—Bloomberg) The Wolf of Wall Street, Mr. Omar Abdulla says that
fewer and fewer cases are being reported from Covid 19 infected areas New York,
Wuhan, Lombardi and Gauteng in the last several days, which is offering some
confidence in the market.
“We are seeing a plateau in the deaths across these communities and hopefully we
could see some of the losses felt during the period being eased.’ elaborated, Pres.
of The United States, Mr. Donald Trump.

CNN reported that cases in The United States are seeing a slowing amid the mitigation
and isolation process but we still have to keep to our social distancing.

The White House task team Doctor Anthony Fauci deliberated that cases are falling
slowly, and that we should all remember the thousands of dead at this critical time.
“We are not saying that people will get to work within the end of April, but what we
are seeing is a slowdown in infections.’

President of South Africa, Mr. Cyril Ramaphosa noted that cases in South Africa are
approaching 2500, after all South African’s were in a lockdown.
“I will be meeting with senior government officials to see if we can release the lockdown,
with strict curfews.’
However, The African Times reported that hundreds of Africans were still infected and
the mitigation processes still have to be kept in place.
“Africa has a very weak hospital structure, and if we have an outbreak similar to
Spain or The United States we could be in deep trouble. Let’s pray that our isolation
methods continue as we see more cases continue to drop.’

The Omar Abdulla Group which owns shares into Footprints Filmworks, Bitcoin SA, Forex SA,
Instagram SA and South African airways says that perhaps it is the time to see a reversal in the
market, slowly buying South African shares and other shares in Europe and The United States.

“We will be looking at buying small amounts of these shares, and increasing our leverage and
buying as less cases are reported. We are eyeing shares into Eskom, China Mobile, South African
Airways and laying out more shares of The Omar Abdulla Group on the medium of individuals to

With cases showing a slight drop, market prices slowly recovering and more stimulus packages
being distributed we should remain slightly positive on the outlook for the next quarter,
no withstanding that this pandemic could take as much as two years to recover to the prices
we were at.
“Oil looks like a good buy now, gasoline looks like a good buy now, and shares generally are a good
buy with good hedges into Gold and Silver.’ ended The Wall Street Journal.  

“Bearish,’ says The Wolf of Wall Street…??
by Aaliah Khota

(3 April 2020—Reuters) The Wolf of Wall Street, Mr. Omar Abdulla
who is currently
In isolation in his Washington home, says that ‘new cases,’
in The United States, Spain,
Italy and Britain have ‘jumped up,’ within the l a s t several weeks,
 and expects markets
to continue their downward spiral amid the Corona Virus.

“This Chinese Virus has already cleaned out so many old age
 homes and Metropolitan districts,
that we have to quarantine our Covid 19 patients in states that
 are less affected. Thus far,
high alerts have been issued in New York, California, Philadelphia
and Dallas.’ President
of The United States, Mr. Donald Trump echoed.

Whilst prices across the globe have already remained cheap,
markets are still open, expecting
cases to drop by May or even June, reported BBC NEWS.

“Europe is infected beyond control, Italy is in a mess, Spain is in shambles,
 and Britain cannot cope
with high infections in the hospitals as we expect more cases.’
looped The World Health Organization.
Speaking to Footprints in Washington, local resident,
 Ms. Jenifer Samson
noted that Washington
has been on a ‘lock down,’ as more cases come through.
“President Trump is being too optimistic to open for the country for business.
As the curve flattens
and starts to drop, that’s when we can only plan to open up our borders.
With the high number of
cases reaching one million, Easter will have to be spent at home.’
The Omar Abdulla Group which owns shares into Bitcoin SA,
Forex SA, Instagram SA,
Twitter SA and South African Airways noted that he had just
purchased more shares
In some companies, expecting the curve to drop within
the next few months.
“We are in close negotiations to free up some more money
 so that we may purchase
more of these blue-chip companies at low prices.’
Other celebrities including Justin Bieber, Selena Gomez,
 Kim Kardashian, Kendell Jenner, Christiano Ronaldo and Lionel Messi
kicked that they have been spending their time in isolation
playing football,
watching videos on The Omar Abdulla Group, spending quality
time with family, and studying.
Meanwhile, The Washington Times concluded that
The Wolf of Wall Street, Mr. Omar Abdulla
was speculative on South African companies, as the third world country,
has showed some positive
“I am confident that the rand will do much better, with
 President Cyril Ramaphosa’s strict approach
to lock down the country. He is a strong minded president
 and my talks with him, could see more buying into Eskom,
SABC News, and other SEO companies.’  

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