Wednesday, 29 April 2020

“The Wolf,’ disagrees with President Ramaphosa to ‘release lockdown…’
By Zahra Lockhart

(7 May 2020—FF News) The Wolf of Wall Street, Mr. Omar Abdulla
says that
the release of the lockdown could have ‘dire consequences,’ for
 South Africa,
with cases reaching 5000 in the African nation and close to four
 million worldwide.

“The President is thinking of boosting the economy with his release
 of the lockdown,
yet this could have a negative effect causing cases in the
 mother nation to rise, and
the increase of the spread of the virus.’ he looped.

Meanwhile, across the world, Covid 19 cases are starting
 to roar with the latest
cases at meat packaging plants, nursing homes,
grocery stores and pharmacies.

“President Trump was too slow to close down The United States,
 and President
Ramaphosa is too quick to open up the country. We could see a
 surge in cases and
the rand reach R23.’ growled South Africa Today.

Speaking to Footprints in South Africa, local resident Ms.
Thando Sithole added that
there is absolutely ‘no social distancing,’ in the townships of Soweto,
 Secunda, Khayalisha, Laudium, Lenasia,
and Sebokeng.

“President Ramaphosa is acting too quickly, and soon we will
 be in a lockdown again.’

However, Oil prices around the world are still plummeting
 due to a lack of demand and
the cut in production with Saudi Arabia and Russia.

“There is simply too much oil in the world, and we are running
 out of storage space.’
reported The Economic Times.

Chewing on his pen and waving his hand through his hair,
The Wolf of Wall Street,
Mr. Omar Abdulla says that outbreaks in South Africa are pretty low,
but we could see a spike in new cases in
Pharmacies, Grocery stores and meat packaging companies.

“President Ramaphosa is releasing the lockdown too early, and I
can foresee more cases with
more outbreaks at these facilities. Our request to the president is
 this is too quick and more
lives will be lost.’

The Omar Abdulla Group which owns shares into Bitcoin SA,
Forex SA, Instagram SA
And Twitter SA said on their website that they will continue to
buy small amount of
shares into SEO companies Eskom, Telkom, South African Airways
 and SABC.

“After receiving over R500 billion rand in loan packages and treasury
 bond sales, we could
see an uptick in these shares.’

In o t h e r news, a UFO that was spotted and released by The
 Pentagon is said to be
aliens either to cure us from The Corona Virus, and make the
virus strain even stronger
in parts of The United States and Europe.

“The flying sauces that were seen recently could be a sign
that we are not alone.’
NASA said on their website.

The Holy month of Ramadaan has now hit the world, with
 Mr. Omar Abdulla said to meet
with Islamic leaders including Mufti Menk, Zain Bhika and Maher Zain.

“We wish all our Muslim leaders a peaceful and joyous Ramadan and Eid.’

Concluding his remarks to The Sunday Times, Mr. Imraan Desai kissed
that he agrees
with The Omar Abdulla Group and once the lockdown has been released,
within a few weeks, we
will be in lockdown again.    

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